Monday, July 13, 2009

Antioxidant Ice Cream Recipe‏

This ice cream is an extremely potent antioxidant desert full of viatmins and nutrients. Acai is very rich in anthocyanin, an antioxidant that fights cholesterol and free radicals.

1 cup soy milk (very vanilla)
2 tbsp arrowroot
2 cups soy creamer
3/4 cup organic sugar
1/4 cup organic cocoa powder
1/2 cup vegan carob chips
1 tbsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup acai powder
1/2 cup acai juice

In a small bowl, combine 1/4 cup of soy milk with the arrowroot and set aside.

Mix the soy creamer, remaining soy milk, sugar, cocoa powder and carob chips together in a saucepan. Stirring frequently on low heat, melt the carob chips. Bring mixture to a boil over low heat. When mixture starts to boil, remove from heat and immediately stir in arrowroot slurry. This will cause the liquid to thicken a noticeable amount.

Add vanilla extract.

Set the ice cream mixture aside to cool for 15 to 20 minutes.

After cooling time, add in acai powder and acai juice.

In order to make an ice cream maker full, double this recipe and fill with soy milk to fill line.


To buy Acai Powder, go to:

Monday, July 6, 2009

Aromatherapy Bath Salt Recipe


3 cups Dead Sea salt, regular sea salt or Epsom salt, or a blend of two or three of these salts. Sea salts typically come in several grain sizes. Combining multiple grain sizes can make your salts more appealing. Keep in mind, however, that more course grains do take longer to dissolve in the tub.

15-24 drops of your selected essential oil or essential oil blend. Be sure and take heed in the safety data for the oil(s) you choose to use.

1 tablespoon fractionated coconut oil or other carrier oil for moisturization (optional)


Place the salt mixture into a bowl. If you have chosen to include the optional vegetable oil to your salt recipe, add it to the plain salts and mix well with a spoon or fork. Then, add the drops of your chosen essential oils. Again, mix very well. Add the mixture to a pretty jar, salt tube, or container that has a tight fitting lid. Salts that are kept in a container that is not air tight will lose their aroma more quickly.

After a day, you may wish to mix well again to ensure that the oils are well incorporated.

To Color to Your Salts:

For the most natural bath salt recipe, leave your bath salts uncolored. Certain exotic salts including Hawaiian Red Sea salt and Black Sea Pink salt are naturally colorful. Try mixing these salts with with Dead Sea or plain sea salt for a speckled effect.

If you would like to add color to your salts, FD&C liquid dye or mica powder can be added before you add the essential oils. When adding FD&C grade liquid dye, be sure to add only a drop at a time and stir well. When adding mica powder, only add a tiny amount (1/16-1/8 a teaspoon is usually sifficient) and stir very well. Using too much dye or mica powder can discolor the water and discolor skin, so be very careful. Leave bath salts at a soft pastel color. It is also important that you make sure that you are using skin-safe colorants and that the user of your bath salt blend does not have any allergies or sensitizations with the colorant that you have chosen.

To Use:

Add 1/2-1 cup of the salts to running bath water. Mix well to ensure that the salt has dispersed well in the tub before entering. To keep the essential oils from evaporating too quickly, you can add the bath salts just before getting in the tub instead of while the water is running. Sitting on undissolved chunky bath salts, however, can be uncomfortable, so make sure the salts have dissolved well before entering.

Flax Seed Q & A

Can you heat it? Is it better ground or whole? How can flax seed benefit me? Answers to these and other common flax seed questions below:

Do I have to buy the oil refrigerated?

Since flax oil is prone to becoming rancid, you’ll usually find it in the refrigerated section at your natural products grocer. Some products are on the shelves; as long as they’re vacuum-sealed, the oils should be fine. Store opened flax oil in your refrigerator.

Do I have to grind the seeds before eating them?

Yes. Grinding the seeds makes the protein, fiber, and fatty acids more available to the body. The easiest way to grind whole flax seeds is in a coffee grinder (then store them in the refrigerator). The whole seeds can also be soaked in water for 8 hours, then drunk with the water to act as a soothing laxative.

Can I buy them already ground?

It’s better to grind them at home, just before you use them, to ensure that the oils are fresh. But you can purchase preground flax in vacuum-sealed containers, which protect the oils. Store them in the refrigerator once opened.

Is it OK to cook with flax oil?

Not really. Heating damages the essential fatty acids in flax. It’s best to drizzle uncooked flax oil over foods after cooking.

What about the seeds?

Does cooking destroy the healthful fats?The seeds are relatively stable and can be used in baking without damage, but higher heat cooking could damage them.

What’s the difference between golden and brown flax seeds?

They’re different varieties; golden flax seed has a more nutty, buttery flavor than brown, but both have the same nutritional content.

What’s the best way to eat flax?

Grind the seeds in a coffee mill, and sprinkle them over cereals and into smoothies, or add them to baked goods. Drizzle the oil over salads, cooked vegetables, or grains, or use it as the base for salad dressings.

Benefits of Flax Seed:

~Flax seed is seen as an important food to protect against diseases such as cardiovascular illness or cancer. The soluble and insoluble fiber content in flax seed makes it an excellent food to fight against breast and prostrate cancer. Lignans and alpha-linolenic acid that are found in abundance in flax seed may be responsible for its cancer fighting properties.

~Flax seed has cholesterol lowering properties. With a combination of omega 3 fatty acids and soluble fiber, it can favorably affect blood lipid patterns. In a study conducted by the University of Toronto, consumption of flax seed showed reduced levels of total cholesterol and LDL.

~Including about 50 gm of flax seed into your daily meals can give you relief from constipation
Skin problems like eczema and acne can often attributed to omega 3 deficiency. The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties of flax seed oil offer many benefits.

~Omega 3 EFA may help improve your response to stress. It improves the body's production of energy and also increases stamina.

~Flax seed oil helps protect the body against high blood pressure, inflammation, water retention, sticky platelets and lowered immune function.

~Flax seed oil benefits include supporting better absorption of Calcium and improving liver function.

~Flax seed oil is known to relieve the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

~Hormone-balancing lignans and phytoestrogens in flax seed oil help stabilize a woman's estrogen-progesterone ratio. Flax seed is known to reduce symptoms of PMS. Essential fatty acids in flax seed oil have been shown to block production of prostaglandins that cause heavy bleeding. These lignans promote normal ovulation and promote consistent ovulation.

~The Essential Fatty Acids in flaxseed oil may help to prevent swelling and inflammation of the prostate. It can lead to reduced instances of prostrate enlargement and be used in treating male infertility.

~Lignans found in flax seed oil may protect against various effects of aging.

~Flax seeds are a good source of magnesium, which helps to reduce the severity of asthma by keeping airways relaxed and open.

~The Essential Fatty acids in flaxseed oil aid in the transmission of nerve impulses, making the oil potentially valuable in treating conditions of numbness and tingling.

~Omega 3 fatty acids in flax seed oil can contribute to healthy hair growth and nail growth. Use of flax seed can benefit those suffering from brittle nails and dry hair.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Men's Health Zone

Your Health is, without a doubt, your most important and valuable asset. It influences everything you do, including your career and romantic life.

LightWay Nutritions has developed products that can help you take care of your health more easily. We can help you find information on the health aspects that are unique to men, and solutions for the most common problems you face throughout your life.

Your health determines your success in business and in love. Improve it and preserve it. Let LightWay Nutrition help you on your way! Consider trying one of these four products that LightWay Nutrition, LLC offers for Men's Health:

Butea Superba

Butea Superba is a native species of Thailand and has been used there by Thai men as a traditional remedy for erectile problems. It contains many phytochemicals that are beneficial to human health. There has been a lot of research on the different parts of this plant resulting in the confirmation that the natural, non-mutagenic properties of this plant produce a reaction similar to that of its popular synthetic pharmaceutical treatment. While commercial treatments for erectile dysfunction are wildly popular despite significant side-effects, Butea Superba presents a safer alternative with similar results. Some have even reported an increase of energy without an increase in nervous system stimulation.


TestoJack contains a potent standardized extract of Eurycoma Iongifolia, commonly known as Tongkat Ali or Long Jack. LJ100 contains bioactive Eurypeptides, the active constituent of tongkat Ali. Clinical and non-clinical studies have shown that tongkat Ali extracts support male reproductive function and healthy testosterone levels tribulas has been included for its virility supporting effects as shown in scientific studies. TestoJack also contains ZMA, a synergistic combination of zinc and magnesium for the support of healthy immune, reproductive and neuromuscular function. This combination of ingredients in Testojack provides enhanced energy levels without the anxiety of insomnia that accompanies other energy supplements, as well as overall support for men's health.

Men's Vitality Power

Men's Virility Power is 100% herbal formula specifically designed to support a man's modern, active lifestyle. This unique formula contains Epimedium, also known as horny goat weed, plus recommended levels of other popular herbal ingredients like Muira Puama, Maca and Triublus. This synergistic blend supports healthy male hormonal levels and may enhance sexual performance.

Tribulus 1000 mg

Tribulus terrestris is a perennial trailing plant that grows predominantly in India and Africa. Tribulus is mentioned in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medical texts dating back thousands of years, and was commonly used as a traditional herbal, most notably as an aphrodisiac and for infertility. Studies done on Tribulus have shown promise for this herb as a natural means to enhance hormone production in both men and women, hence its popularity with active individuals. This standardized extract contains a minimum of 45% saponins, which is the the active constituent in Tribulus.

Sports Nutrition Supplements

The fine-tuned machine. Few of us realize the dedication that goes into creating it. Just as the world's fastest cars are constantly being tweaked, upgraded, broken down and rebuilt; so too is the machine that is the bodybuilder. To create the fine-tuned machine, one must have every part of the whole working in perfect unison. To achieve this, one must use only the finest raw materials.

For the bodybuilder, the finest raw materials come from LightWay Nutrition's sports line. We pride ourselves in creating the finest and most effective sports supplements, using only the purest ingredients. Whether it's one of our outstanding combination products or a single ingredient supplement, you'll get only potency and purity with LightWay Nutrition's sports line.

Here are just a few of products that LightWay Nutrition's sports line offers:

L-Carnitine Liquid

Anyone committed to a healthy lifestyle understands absorption is essential. Which is why Light Way Nutrition's Liquid L-Carnitine delivers 1000 mg of the highest potency L-Carnitine available today. And while small amounts of this crucial amino acid can be found in red meats and dairy products, supplementation has been used and trusted by people from every walk of life. Known for its cellular energy boosting and post workout recovery properties, Liquid L-Carnitine serves as an excellent addition to your healthy lifestyle.

Amino Complete

Our Amino Complete formula provides 1000mg of our balanced blend of the following essential and non-essential amino acids per capsule: L-Alanine, L-Arginine, L-Aspartic Acid, L-Carnitine, L-Cysteine, L-Glutamic Acid, L-Glycine, L-Histidine, L-Isoleucine, L-Leucine, L-Lysine, L-Methionine, L-Ornithine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Proline, L-Serine, L-Threonine, L-Tryptophan, L-Tyrosine and L-Valine. This proprietary blend of amino acids is sourced from Soy Protein Isolate, Predigested Casein and Lactalbumin, Carnitine, Ornithine and Gelatin.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids

The Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) include valine, leucine and isoleucine. These particular amino acids are important for protein synthesis, which helps preserve muscle tissue during exercise. A problem many bodybuilders experience is a state called catabolism. Catabolism usually occurs during intense training, when bodybuilders try to increase lean muscle tissue while burning fat. The body begins to break down and burn muscle tissue in addition to, or in the absence of, fat. This condition is also called muscle wasting. By increasing protein synthesis, BCAA's help to promote anabolic balance in muscle tissue, keeping it from being broken down. A high-quality BCAA supplement is key, as many BCAA's on the market are inferior quality and offer little benefit. LightWay Nutrition's Branched-Chain Amino Acids are Pharmaceutical (USP) Grade. BCAA's are essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body. They must be obtained from the diet, which makes supplementation important.


The amino acid glutamine is one of the most important for active individuals. It's found in muscle tissue and is necessary for the synthesis and maintenance of skeletal muscle protein. It's also a nitrogen transporter, helping to maintain normal ammonia levels in the body by moving the nitrogen produced during amino acid breakdown to the liver for conversion into urea, a non-toxic substance easily removed from the body. Bodybuilders should make sure they've got plenty of glutamine in their system, since physical and mental stress can deplete levels, which can cause muscle wasting. An absolute must for workout warriors.

Whey Protein

Our Whey Protein is a delicious blend of three of the highest quality whey protein concentrates and isolates from around the world: Micro-Filtered, Ion-Exchanged and Enzymatically Hydrolyzed (partially predigested). This blend of specially processed whey proteins is designed to maximize amino acid absorption and Biological Value (BV). Extra L-Glutamine has been added (460 mg per serving) because of its important role in protecting muscle tissue from breaking down under stressful, vigorous physical activity. We offer two great tasting flavors - Chocolate and Vanilla - that mix easily in both water and milk. LightWay Nutrition's Whey Protein is formulated to help our customers achieve an anabolic state crucial to bodybuilding success. Low carbs, high protein, high quality.

Tribulus 1000 mg

Tribulus terrestris is a perennial trailing plant that grows predominantly in India and Africa. Tribulus is mentioned in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medical texts dating back thousands of years, and was commonly used as a traditional herbal, most notably as an aphrodisiac and for infertility. Studies done on Tribulus have shown promise for this herb as a natural means to enhance hormone production in both men and women, hence its popularity with active individuals. This standardized extract contains a minimum of 45% saponins, which is the the active constituent in Tribulus.


TestoJack contains a potent standardized extract of Eurycoma Iongifolia, commonly known as Tongkat Ali or Long Jack. LJ100 contains bioactive Eurypeptides, the active constituent of tongkat Ali. Clinical and non-clinical studies have shown that tongkat Ali extracts support male reproductive function and healthy testosterone levels tribulas has been included for its virility supporting effects as shown in scientific studies. TestoJack also contains ZMA, a synergistic combination of zinc and magnesium for the support of healthy immune, reproductive and neuromuscular function. This combination of ingredients in Testojack provides enhanced energy levels without the anxiety of insomnia that accompanies other energy supplements, as well as overall support for men's health.

Men's Vitality Power
Men's Virility Power is 100% herbal formula specifically designed to support a man's modern, active lifestyle. This unique formula contains Epimedium, also known as horny goat weed, plus recommended levels of other popular herbal ingredients like Muira Puama, Maca and Triublus. This synergistic blend supports healthy male hormonal levels and may enhance sexual performance.

Calcium Pyruvate is a natural combination of two important nutrients, Calcuim and Pyruvic Acid, that produces a stable compound called pyruvate salt. Pyruvateis more easily absorbed than calcium alone and plays a crucial role in energy production by facilitating the transport of clucose from the bloodstream into the muscles. Many fitness enthusiasts make Pyruvate art of their nutrition regimen for one reason - it works!

To learn more or to purchase any of these items, go to:

Portobello-Black Bean Burgers with Corn Salsa

Portobello-Black Bean Burgers with Corn Salsa

Serves 4


Corn Salsa

• 1 1/2 cups corn, fresh or frozen (thawed)

• 3 tomatoes, seeded and finely diced

• 1 1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro

• 2 teaspoons fresh lime juice

• 1 teaspoon paprika

• 1/4 teaspoon salt


• 1 package (10 oz) portobello mushrooms, wiped clean

• 1 1/4 cups canned black beans, rinsed and drained

• 1/4 cup chopped green chiles

• 3 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce

• 1 1/2 teaspoons chili powder

• 1/2 teaspoon salt

• 1/4 teaspoon onion powder

• 3/4 cup breadcrumbs

• 1 egg

• Vegetable-oil cooking spray

• 2 whole-grain pitas, halved

• 1 avocado, sliced


1. For corn salsaCombine salsa ingredients and set aside.

2. For burgersIn a food processor, chop mushrooms into extra fine pieces. Add beans, chiles, Worcestershire, chili powder, salt, onion powder, breadcrumbs and egg; process until fully combined. Liberally coat a large nonstick pan with cooking spray. Form 4 patties, then gently place onto pan. Grill over medium heat 5 minutes per side, or until a crisp crust forms and the burger is heated through.

3. To assemble, place each burger into a pita half with 1/4 of the salsa and avocado slices.

Natural Insect Repellent Solutions

You can make natural insect repellent yourself. The insect repellent is safe and effective, plus it costs much less to make it than to buy it.

There are a few different formulations you can make for your natural insect repellent. These repellents involve diluting essential oils that the insects find distasteful or which confuses them. The oils don't mix with water, so you'll need to add them to other oils or to alcohol. It's important to use an oil or alcohol that is safe for your skin. Also, don't go overboard with the essential oils. The oils are potent and could cause skin irritation or another reaction if you use too much. If you are pregnant or nursing, do not apply an insect repellent, natural or otherwise, until after you've gotten it cleared by your physician.

Natural Insect Repellent Ingredients

Different insects are repelled by different chemicals, so you'll get a more effective repellent if you combine a few different insect-repelling natural oils. If you are making large amounts of insect repellent, a good rule of thumb is to mix the repellent so it's 5-10% essential oil, so mix 1 part essential oil with 10-20 parts carrier oil or alcohol. For a smaller batch use:

· 10-25 drops (total) of essential oils
· 2 tablespoons of a carrier oil or alcohol

The essential oils that work well against biting insects (mosquitoes, flies, ticks, fleas) are:

· cinnamon oil (mosquitoes)
· lemon eucalyptus or regular eucalyptus oil (mosquitoes, ticks, and lice)
· citronella oil (mosquitoes and biting flies)
· castor oil (mosquitoes)
· orange oil (fleas)
· rose geranium (ticks and lice)

Safe carrier oils and alcohols include:

· olive oil
· sunflower oil
· any other cooking oil
· witch hazel
· vodka

Natural Insect Repellent Recipe

Mix the essential oil with the carrier oil or alcohol. Rub or spray the natural insect repellent onto skin or clothing, using care to avoid the sensitive eye area. You'll need to re-apply the natural product after about an hour or after swimming or exercise. Unused natural insect repellent may be stored in a dark bottle, away from heat or sunlight. If you wish, you may combine the oil with aloe vera gel to change the consistency of the product.

Plants that Help to Repel Mosquitoes

Catnip is an herb that is most commonly used to stuff in toys or feed to cats for their enjoyment. However, the oil from this plant has actually been found to be more than ten times better at repelling mosquitoes than DEET. Planting this plant near your patio or deck will help repel mosquitoes.

This garden herb also has an oil that repels mosquitoes. While they are attractive plants that both repel mosquitoes and can add interest to your cooking, they are truly tropical plants that are not hardy in cold climates. You can, however, grow rosemary in a pot and take it inside in the winter.

Marigolds have a particular smell that many insects and humans find objectionable. They are a good plant for repelling mosquitoes as well as insects that can attack vegetable plants and aphids. Marigolds are annuals with bright flowers that range from lemon yellow to dark oranges and reds.

Mosquito Plants
There are actually plants on the market that are simply called Mosquito plants. They are advertised as a plant that repels mosquitoes. There are different schools of thoughts on these plants. Some say they do nothing to repel mosquitoes, while other swear by them. More often than not, you can only find them through mail order and internet sales.

Planting these plants that repel mosquitoes is a great choice for your yard. Not only is it an earth-friendly way of dealing with these pests, it will add beauty to your gardens, and will not jeopardize your health.